Energy Water: towards a better future and a safer environment
Following a successful career path in the Greek market, Energy Water has earned your trust by offering certified water filters while showing respect for the Environment and Man.
First and foremost, the water filters of Energy Water implement what is already guaranteed by the company, namely the water quality assurance. Moreover, keeping ourselves informed on the latest world news about the risks related to the quality of potable water that technology has to tackle, the company applies the Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015, the Environmental Management System ISO 14001:2015 and holds a certification granted by the World Organization NSF.
Based in Thessaloniki, the company’s strong international presence is no coincidence. Energy Water is active in the field of water processing systems and water filter trading under the brand name Proteas Filter. The company is constantly gaining ground in the Balkans and the Southeast Europe because contrary to simple filters, Proteas filters excel in quality and credibility and offer clean water to houses or premises.
Therefore, Energy Water is the only one solution towards the safe provision of water, a vital resource for life that our planet provides humans. Unfortunately, there are many global environmental issues that cannot be tackled individually. This is the reason why Energy Water believes that collective awareness-raising and in particular the action to be taken for the protection of the environment is everyone’s obligation. Within the framework of corporate social responsibility and towards this direction, Energy Water is really active by sponsoring the endeavors of the following NGOs:
Children are the future, and Energy Water supports the actions of ELEPAP whose main task is to protect the right of every child with disabilities to treatment and care.
Energy Water provides support to Actionaid through the action SPONSOR A CHILD with the aim of improving living conditions of thousands of children living in the poor regions of Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Hellenic Animal Welfare Society
Energy Water actively supports the work of the Hellenic Animal Welfare Society since all living beings on the planet have the right to life.
– WWF Greece
One of WWF’s initiatives is the rescue of the endangered Mediterranean turtle Caretta-Caretta and Energy Water participates actively towards this direction.
Energy Water, wanting to strengthen and promote the spirit of recycling and enviromental responsibility among the citizens of Municipality of Pavlos Melas, in Thessaloniki, is a member of the “TROPAVERDE” program. “TROPAVERDE” is an electronic platform of th Municipality of Pavlos Melas, in which the citizens who participate in this action, deliver recyclable materials to specific points of the Municipality and then they obtain coupons. These coupons can be exchanged with rewards in cooperating businesses of the Municipality. In Energy Water, coupons can be exchanged with a water filter.
Energy Water, having as a primary goal the protection of the enviroment, participaters in the battery recycling program as it is a member of “AFIS S.A.” and has the special battery collection bin with the sign of “AFIS”. Also, being a member of “RECYCLING DEVICES S.A.” and being registered in the Register of EEE Producers, pays a recycling tax for every electrical device it has for sale.
Girls’ Orphanage “Melissa”
Energy Water, focusing on social support for children need, supports the girls’s orphanage “Melissa”, by installing two water dispensers with double water filtration systems in the year 2022 and will continue to offer its support by providing for life clear water throught its excellent water filters.